Thursday, June 28
One of my aunts flew in from New Jersey to be here, and another arrived from Toronto. The amount of support my Grandma has, is amazing - and it's not just from her family. Her neighbours and all the people in her community care so much for her, it's comforting to know that she will always have someone there for her.
I am so thankful for my family and the time we spend together. This is definitely something I could not live without!
Saturday, June 23
Cats of Prey....again...
Wednesday, June 20

Pictures from top to bottom: The concert stage with the Big Band; Harry & his daughter repainting houses after Hurricane Katrina; Harry playing at Jazz Fest.
Sunday, June 17
Lord of the Flies

Friday, June 15
Cats of Prey
We had no idea what was going on until we looked at the screen door and saw this beard - screaming its head off and flapping its wings like crazy inside my cat's mouth.
Stephanie pried Pumpkin's mouth open to release the bird and put the cat inside. We saw that the bird was clearly injured and we set off to find a box to catch the bird.
The bird decided it was going to try to run away - but he couldn't fly, so he was hopping around the parking lot.
Stephanie caught the bird using oven mits and we put it in the box, and it calmed itself down. I think it was very happy not to be my cat's supper.
We drove to the wild bird sanctuary where they help abandoned baby birds, and injured birds. On our drive, we had to stop in the middle of the road because there was a flock of geese crossing the street with their goslings.
We arrived at the trail, and the bird sanctuary was closed. We headed for the drop-off where we could leave him overnight and came across a raccoon. We placed the bird in the box (it was a man-made box with a door and latch and holes, of course) and went home.
We came home to feathers all over our porch and cats desperate to go outside again.
We called the next day to see how the bird was doing - and they said he was great, just had a slight puncture in his stomach, but everything would be fine.
Thursday, June 14
Montreal - Part V
Weather - a gorgeous cloudless day already at a heaping 25 degrees with humidity added on top of that.
We decided to skip breakfast and check-out of our room seen as how we had to be out by 11am anyhow. We headed for some breakfast at this Italian restaurant called Pacini - and with every meal there was all this Italian meat and tomato sauce.
We headed to the Biodome as we had yet to use our ticket that we bought as a package with the Insectarium and Botanical Gardens. We were lucky enough to be able to check our baggage.
We were in the hottest area first - after being hot from dragging a suitcase across the city and metro stations. We saw tropical birds, alligators, turtles, and bats.
Throughout the Biodome we saw fish, little ducks swimming to the bottom to get food, beavers asleep in their nest, a hedgehog asleep in a tree, crabs, starfish, and of course - penguins - my favourite!!
The penguins were so cute climbing the snow, or just standing on a rock not even moving. There was a herd (proper term?) of penguins slowly making their way to jump into the water - and I was waiting forever to get a picture of them jumping in, but the leader decided to change his mind and walk away.
We ended our sight seeing at the Biodome (and around the Olympic Tower) and decided to wait it out at a cafe until it was time to catch the train. We were totally exhausted anyhow, and our feet were so sore. It didn't help that it was the most humid day of all that we were in Montreal and I had to wear my boots because they wouldn't fit in the suitcase (too much shopping)
We got on our train and was all excited to see the sights again from that view, actually knowing what everything was this time. We went through a thunderstorm and it was really cool. The train got really dark and we could see lighting flashes every once and again. Clearly it was a long, busy vacation for us, as Will fell asleep on the train - without me even knowing - I was having a conversation, apparently with myself.
Overall, an amazing vacation - we took so many photos, can't share them all, and will definitely go back again some day (maybe not on the weekend of the Grand Prix). We also want to take on Quebec City, as everyone we've talked to has said it is a must, especially after a trip to Montreal.
Pictures from top to bottom: Will excited to see a turtle in the Biodome; 2 puffins in love or asleep; me in front of the Olympic Tower; Will asleep on the train
Montreal - Part IV
Weather: Started sunny and about 20 degrees and as usual became overcast as soon as we left from breakfast.
For breakfast we had an apple-filled pastry with sliced apples in applesauce. We also had some fresh fruit with yogurt.
We had decided that we would spend the whole day in Old Montreal as there were so many things that we would see and do.
Because I wasn't a big fan of the Bed & Breakfast breakfast, we searched for a restaurant near Old Montreal that was still serving breakfasts - and I got to eat my pancakes!!
We headed down rue Notre Dame as we knew for sure that the Notre Dame Cathedral was there. We headed inside the cathedral and found it absolutely gorgeous.
It turned out that there was a Chapelle de Notre Dame inside the Notre Dame Cathedral - which is where separate services would be held. Will was in complete awe of the detail and all the artwork that was in there.
The store was called "Noel Eternel". He was in heaven. There was Christmas Carols playing in the background and Christmas ornaments everywhere - including giant Santas. We ended up buying a Christmas ornament (to add to our very miniscule collection) - as I don't think Will would have been able to leave the store empty handed.
We finally made our way to the Old Port and walked in and out of the pathways. We made our way to the clock tower and decided to see inside. We knew we were in trouble when the stairs were numbered - backwards. There was 289 steps. I was OK for most of them, until the stairs got narrower and in a spiral form. I looked up and decided that I could go no further. I still made it higher than Will!!
We grabbed some lunch in the pavillion (just like a food court in a mall) - and realized they were all closing up at 4:00pm - not sure why?
We saw these people riding these motorized scooters - and had really wanted to try them. Even our Bed & Breakfast owner told us about these. We found out where the rental location was - and decided to sign up for a 30 minute session (which includes training - which is mandatory). These are all battery-operated machines that you stand on and you just have to move back and forth with your body.
It was super cool - the time went by really fast, but they said the next time we come to rent - we get a faster speed because we'll be officially trained and in their system. I still can't believe that we did that. I really liked riding it on the cobblestone and grass (very amusing, and bumpy), but didn't really like riding on bridges (a little scary coming downhill - especially when they keep warning you that the machine costs $6000 - and will keep going even if you're not on it). Will preferred to stay on the paved road.
Will was getting cold and decided that he wanted to get changed before we headed out for our last dinner in Montreal. We knew that we were coming back to Old Montreal to see everything lit up with the old-fashioned lanterns and just the atmosphere we knew would be nice to be around.
We picked a French restaurant Le Sauvignon (I think that's the name) on rue St. Paul and it was a very rustic French-Canadian restaurant. We each ordered a roast which were served with vegetables and we had some wine.
I finally had some room for dessert - I think I forced myself to, as this was the last opportunity. I had a delicious chocolate mousse cake.
We walked along the streets after dinner and saw everything lit up. Will's favourite night-time sight was this fountain between a City of Montreal building and the Hotel de Montreal. It had these lights coming out of it that just made it glow.
On the way to the metro we found Square Victoria (yet another tourist site) and went inside. It looked like it was originally an outdoor park with surrounding buildings - but now there is a roof that connects the building. It was also lit up, and Will loved it. We seem to find the more interesting things by chance.
We ended up crashing around midnight/1 am and prepared for our final day in Montreal.
Pictures from top to bottom: me in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral before entering; Will inside the Christmas store; Will on his scooter (I was better at hit than he was); I love this picture as Will had no idea I was making that face - near the Clock Tower at the Port of Old Montreal; Inside the Square Victoria - it was pretty much a field of water.
Monday, June 11
Montreal - Part III
Because our Bed & Breakfast wasn't very far away, we decided to walk to the Botanical Gardens and Insectarium in the morning. We purchased a package that let us visit the gardens, the insectarium, and the Biodome.
We got to weigh ourselves in ants. Will weighed 3, 500, 000 ants, and I weighed 3, 250, 000 ants.
We managed to find our way into the Chinese Garden and learned that they don't use grass in their gardens. It was so very beautiful - even without the grass. Will was also so amazed by the water around everywhere.
We walked back to the Architecture Musee (and yes, it was open) and went in to discover that there wasn't much going on as they were preparing for a celebatory ball the following evening.
We walked to the Queen Mary of the World Cathedral on the way to St. Patrick's Basilica. We passed this huge, gorgeous building, and later learned it was the Sun Life Building (insurance company) created in the early 1900s.
Montreal - Part II
Weather - about 21 degrees and off-and-on rain
For breakfast we had a fresh croissant with jam, and an apple and cheese crepe with fresh fruit. It was really delicious.
We had planned our day a little better this time and went directly en route to find this department store called "Simons" that is well-known. Apparently I was given a wrong address in my tourism book, and we yet again failed to find our destination.
We did end up climbing a hill partially on its way to Mont Royal but detoured around the McGill campus. We fell in love with the campus and wondered why we never considered this as a potential school when we were finishing high school.
After walking down rue Ste-Catherine, we finally discovered Simons and decided to do some shopping. This is a big store, and it's 85% clothes. There were people everywhere and it made it hard to move around.
After Simons we headed to the Underground City and was amazed at how big it was. The higher we went, the more expensive stores there were (DKNY, Dior, etc) plus there was a gorgeous chandelier and I think they were also preparing for a runway show along the stairs.
We headed out back to rue Ste-Catherine in search for dinner. We were trying to maintain the idea of having a different type of food each night for dinner. Monday night was Italian, and Tuesday night turned out to be Thai.
We found this great Thai take-out restaurant and ordered too much food (as always). It was really good, though.
By the time we got home, we were completely exhausted and decided to borrow the cribbage board from the Bed & Breakfast to play while relaxing in bed. I won.