Sunday, July 29
The Kite Runner

Monday, July 23
I finally got to see Hairspray (it just came out on Friday) and it was fantastic! I had seen the broadway musical live this past March and I was expecting it to be different. They didn't use all the songs (and Will was disappointed for his song not showing up) and there were some scenes that didn't happen in the musical. I wished that certain characters had a few more scenes, but you have to condense it for the interest of the movie-goer.
I haven't yet seen the 1988 original film which the broadway musical was based on, so I can't compare the two movies to each other.
I thought it was very colourful and there were lots of stars in it. There were even a few small parts to people who were in the original film: Ricki Lake & Jerry Stiller.
It was a very light-hearted movie with a strong message and I was trying very hard not to sing along. I'm sure the people beside me wouldn't have appreciated that.
Tuesday, July 17
Jane Eyre

Sunday, July 15

Thursday, July 12
Hockey Day in Canada
Wednesday, July 11
Rainy day
Sunday, July 8
Dog Sitting
Fifa U-20
Thursday, July 5
Dog Day Afternoon
As I reflect over my "duties" I realize that in every house that my sister has lived in - I have stayed overnight with the dog atleast once. I guess I'm just a reliable sitter. I'm THAT good!!
It's so quiet out here. Even the bus ride home was so much more peaceful than my regular route. This weekend is going to be like a mini-vacation for me. It'll be very relaxing and easy-going.
Tomorrow after work we are heading downtown to the final round robin of the FIFA U-20 games going on here in Ottawa (and all over the country). It is quite the phenomenon. We are seeing a double-header: Argentina vs. Korea & Brazil vs. USA. We are cheering for the South American teams because we know how intense and talented they all are. I will have pictures and details tomorrow night!
Stay tuned...
Tuesday, July 3
Canada Day

It was a great Canada Day - and hopefully next year we'll be able to experience it downtown at Parliament Hill, as we both have never done that - and it would be quite event!!