Monday, July 31
I'm now in the stages of looking for another job - knowing that this one will eventually end in 2.5 months. It would be super nice if I could stay in the government.
A lot has happened since the 13th such as :
1. A few nights over in the hot tub/bbq - checking out the tropical fish (including the fascinating seahorse, and blue starfish - that I can never seem to find)
2. Moving-out inspection - I was worried about this one, never knowing how picky landlords can be, but everything turned out to be ok (sicne they didn't turn on the kitchen faucet)
3. Packing, and more packing - I'm soon running out of boxes, and have barely even starting packing - I have a lot of junk, but I can't get rid of anything - not because I won't, but because I need them
4. Joining a gym - I'm surprised myself. The first time I went was to an intense BodyPump class at Goodlife and I swear people thought I was a cripple for the whole week after, someone even asked me if I had a limp. I was unable to walk down the stairs, and it took a while to get out of a chair. But it didn't stop me from returning, so I went to my second BodyPump class yesterday and found it much easier (the last time I wanted to shoot the trainer). Now it's Will's turn to visit the BodyPump for the first time!! We'll see how he does! It's not like he's never worked out or been to the gym before. But this class is quite intense, and he's never been to a class.
5. Pick-up game of soccer - playing with nobody that I know (except Will & Steph), but Will only knew one other person - the rest were all her friends. We played in Kanata and I think they are all like 18yrs old. Steph was quite the intense player, more than I expected, she got knocked down a couple times, and I never held back to push her out of the way to get to the ball (I was not on the same team as Steph and Will), and then my many failed attempts to block a shot against Will (who knows why I even tried), but I think with going to the gym and playing that really exhausted me today at work.
It's nice when people are on holidays - - less traffic, less people on the bus, less noise in the office
Today, on the bus there was a bottle of some cleaning product hanging from the top rail overtop of someone, and some people were pointing it out and making fun of the fact that it was left there, but did nothing about it. Some guy who overheard their talking, got up and picked up the bottle and set it down on a seat beside him knowing it wasn't right for the bottle to be there, hanging over someone's head. Why do people notice things that are wrong, but do nothing about it?
Hopefully that's updated enough. Don't hold your breath for the next one (Jennifer)
Thursday, July 13
Not thinking anything of it - I just walk in them (they weren't deep puddles) but then realize that there was an actual sprinkler system operating at the time. So my whole left side got soaking wet, but thank goodness it was hot enough outside to dry before I got to the Plaza.
I met my friend Kaleena for lunch to sit on hot steps (before realizing there cushions below) and listening to loud, live country music.
We caught up on everything in the past 2 1/2 years. I cannot believe it has been that long since I've seen her! Crazy! How does life just take you over like that - so that you're ignoring you're friends unintentionally??
So, Kaleena and I decided that we needed to meet up more for lunches (minus the 20 minutes of our lunch hour of walking time) as we are stuck in offices with people who are not the same age as us. Atleast I won't be stuck inside playing Solitaire/Sudoku during lunch listening to Chez 106 and be out in the sun working on my tan!!!
Monday, July 10
Don't let the cats sleep with you....
They were out of food (had to get some in the morning) but they had some before we went to bed....
Guess who they decided to pick on every 10 minutes throughout the night?
I must have the biggest bags under my eyes today, and the biggest headache!!
One cat would be chewing on my hair, another would be licking and biting my nose, and 2 would be fighting, and one is so heavy, so that when he walks on top of me, I can't breathe.
What a great night! And, looking at my horoscope in Metro today it says:
"Your fate is decided now. Get more sleep to avoid being cranky."
Ironic, isn't it?
Friday, July 7
I have a lot of CDs to begin with and I end up bringing 3-4 daily to work to listen to (seen as how I have no phone to listen to)
However, CDs are usually 1hour-1.5 hours max so the songs are repeated over and over (on random - so I really can't remember how many times I have heard certain songs)
Today's choices are: Chris Rice, My Best Friend's Wedding, Nickelback and Rent (quite the variety, eh)
I learned that I can't listen to slow CDs (like Diana Krall, some Harry, Frank Sinatra) as those songs actually put me asleep and time seems to be at a stand still.
So, upbeat ones, different types of songs (not just the same screaming singer), interesting ones (I'm not actually sure what classifies under this one, but I thought I would add it in)
Thursday, July 6
Mr. Sandman - bring me a dream

I was on this website the other day and thought it was pretty cool.
There was an article about it on yesterday talking about the weirdest places to sleep. It goes into more detail in the article as to what the places entail, but here is the general idea. Listed as the top 9 are...
- Cabooses - Nova Scotia
- Marina - Vancouver
- Jail - Ottawa
- Teepees - Alberta
- Up in a tree - BC
- Vineyard - Lake Ontario
- Lighthouse - Nfld
- Wagons (the old ones) - Sask
- Observatory - BC
Which is the most likely of places you would find yourself staying for a vacation??
I think I would probably choose the Marina as you are allowed to cruise the "zoo" at night after-hours and play with the animals. It would just be quite an experiene
They also mentioned something that the West Edmonton Mall is featuring with crazy rooms to stay in. Check it out at
Tuesday, July 4
Oh yeah!
I just wanted to let you all know that I have FINALLY bought an umbrella (just in time for the big storm last night during grocery shopping...which always seems to happen at that time) and I noticed it was supposed to rain today.. So, I'm very excited to use it
Bring on the rain!!!!
hot days ahead

Long weekend finally over...
Didn't do too much...
- saw 2 movies (The Lake House, The Devil Wears Prada)
- went to my sister's temporary home for bbq/swim/hot tub
- ran some errands (bus pass, walmart, grocery shopping, etc...)
- finally got to relax (after washing 6 loads of laundry)
But it felt great to sit and do nothing, when I had the chance, and it feels great to only have to work (and get up at 6am) for 4 days this week.
I cannot wait to move out of my apt. We have smokers in every possible apt around us (on either side, across the hall and above us). The people above us like to clean their balcony pretty frequently, they sweep it first, so we see flying chunks of dirt landing on our balcony, and then they use water and scrub it, so then we see water dripping onto our balcony to form mud! Just lovely!
Time is going by a lot quicker now that I have something to do during the day. Which is good, then I don't feel like I'm stuck in that apt forever (2 months left!!)