Thursday, July 13


So, I'm on my way to World Exchange for lunch today and I see these puddles on the ground.

Not thinking anything of it - I just walk in them (they weren't deep puddles) but then realize that there was an actual sprinkler system operating at the time. So my whole left side got soaking wet, but thank goodness it was hot enough outside to dry before I got to the Plaza.

I met my friend Kaleena for lunch to sit on hot steps (before realizing there cushions below) and listening to loud, live country music.

We caught up on everything in the past 2 1/2 years. I cannot believe it has been that long since I've seen her! Crazy! How does life just take you over like that - so that you're ignoring you're friends unintentionally??

So, Kaleena and I decided that we needed to meet up more for lunches (minus the 20 minutes of our lunch hour of walking time) as we are stuck in offices with people who are not the same age as us. Atleast I won't be stuck inside playing Solitaire/Sudoku during lunch listening to Chez 106 and be out in the sun working on my tan!!!

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