I have just finished reading another book.
The title is 1984 by George Orwell. It's considered to be a classic novel.
It starts out very odd-like but it gives you a sense of how the rest of the book is going to be. I had never read it in school like some people, but I was intrigued to see what made it a classic.
The first sentence is:
"The clock strikes thirteen..."
See, all these people live in a 24-hour world where there is no 8am and 8pm but rather an 8 hour and 20 hour.
They are forced to live with these strict rules and are always told that Big Brother is watching them. There is even mention of the "Thought Police" where even if you think something different of the rules and have your own opinion, you can go to jail and "vanish". Vanishing is where you die, but Big Brother makes it so that you didn't even exist by erasing you from every record the town has.
It would be pretty scary to live in something like that where you're constantly being watched and every opinion you form can get you in trouble. It's as if you're supposed to live being robot-like not having any feelings or thoughts and just to do what you're told.
I don't think I would like to live as they did. Most of my days are spent with my thoughts on many different things.
It was an okay book to read, some parts were not so exciting (like when Winston was reading the rule book word-for-word), but it was an overall good storyline.
My next book is...... Life of Pi
I read that book looong ago in highschool. In fact, it WAS 1984 when I read 1984! Scaaary! I used to own the 1984 soundtrack, too, because Annie Lennox sings the most amazing, beautiful, haunting song on it called Julia. I liked The Life of Pi. And I hear that the film director of Amelie and City of Lost Children is making the film adaptation for The Life of Pi. I can't really imagine his film version of this book but I do like his other films so we'll just have to wait and see.
I'm not sure how you can interpret that book into a film? Who knows how many people would see a film about a boy in a boat for 227 days stranded with a tiger in the Pacific Ocean.
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