I must say that usually by the time Santa Claus parade comes around, it gets me in the mood for Christmas shopping and such, but this year it wasn't the case.
We headed downtown to see the parade on Laurier and it was quite interesting (and cold). A bunch of dancers, marching bands, radio/tv celebrities, our new mayor, Spartacat, and of course SANTA.
We then headed to the Rideau Centre and it was absolute craziness. I'm talking about people everywhere in stores, out in the hallways walking around and we could barely find a seat in the food court.
I usually don't get in the mood for Christmas until the first snowfall appears (and it has to stay on the ground) - - which seems to be arriving late this year. All we have been getting is rain. Everyone at work thinks I am crazy to say that I would rather snow than rain.
There are some people I know that are pretty much finished their Christmas shopping. I have bought one present for Will's Dad, and the rest I am completely stumped about.
There are still 35 days until Christmas.
I don't mind the craziness in malls as long as I know what it is that I am there to get. If I'm just walking around figuring stuff out, then I end up getting more frustrated with myself.
So Christmas shopping, and wrapping, and decorating - - - I won't be doing for awhile, even though the people I live with have been listening to Christmas music since November 1st!! Crazy!!
Christmas music - fa la la la laaaa! I'm listening to it right now as I type. I figure that if the malls are super packed with shoppers, that the economy is doing well. US Thanksgiving is this Thursday, too, and that is the unofficial kickoff for Christmas in America. I actually like it that way because all the big stores in New York unveil their holiday windows on Thanksgiving and let me tell you, they are incredible. You should come down for a visit to see them (and me!).
LIAR LIAR pants on fire. You say you are not in the mood for shopping yet where are you right now? Oh that's right you are doing some Christmas shopping. LIAR LIAR!
I most definitely want to come down to see NY (and of course YOU!!)... It would be so exciting!! I'm not in the mood for Christmas (as I haven't bought wrapping paper or scotch tape), it feels more like buying birthday presents for people than Christmas presents. Besides, if I think that it is Christmas time then that's when I start to worry about over-spending on everyone!! I love buying presents for everyone - - but it's so hard to do it in a budget!
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