Saturday, March 3


I never would have thought I'd be the one to say that "I broke a nail, I need a nail file to fix it", but here I am.

I still have yet to grow one final nail, but I have successfully forbidden myself to bite the other nine.

Those who know me, know that I am a constant nail-biter, ever since I can remember.

But now, I am completely excited to be able to pick things up with my nails (like coins and small items).

I am surprised that I haven't gone back to my bad habits of biting as I have very little self-control (like when it comes to chocolate).

But now that I see that I can actually grow the nails and maintain them, I am less interested in biting - except for that final nail.

That nail is my "in case of emergency" nail where if I do feel the urge to bite, I do.

I am really trying to stop with that nail, but when it's in this stage of size, it's really hard to move forward, when it's all I have left.



Anonymous said...

Well, here's to the nine unbitten nails. May they grow and be painted a beautiful colour! You know, J's sister's doctor gave her something to put on her fingernails that tasted bitter when...tasted. That seemed to do the nail-biting trick for her.

Cheryl said...

I remember trying that when I was younger, and I would suffer through the taste just long enough to get it off the nail so that I could go back to the same old routine. Who knew all it took was self-control (and lots of it!!)