Tuesday, August 22

Body Combat

So, this past Sunday Stephanie and I tried a different class. We originally thought this was supposed to be Body Step which is like Step-Aerobics, but it ended up being Body Combat - which is like Tae-Kwon-Doe.

The instructor warned us not to hate it the first time and give it a few chances, but I'm sorry - I will not be back. This class is not good for someone who has asthma. I lost my breath several times and felt like I was going to faint.

Also, Steph and I had so much trouble finding our own co-ordination skills. We looked like we were so lost - and we were. I was always told my positioning was wrong and I always started the exercises on the wrong side (as I was told by Stephanie). I think I'll stick to my Body Pump and treadmill.

We were bouncing on every beat of music and had like a 2 minute break throughout the hour long class. This was not the class for me.

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