Sunday, September 3

Moving Day, Part II

So, Will picks me up from work Thursday night and we pick up our truck. I pay the extra $$ to make him an extra driver on the truck, because, do you really think that I can drive a 16' truck by myself?? I don't think so!!

We get back to the apartment and see that there is an elevator already for moving so we assume it's ours and take it. Just to make sure, we let the superintendants know that we're using it, and they said it was ok, seen as how we booked our elevator for that designated time anyhow.

We end up emptying the apartment and loading up the elevator in trips and storing everything in the lobby, until we have everything there to load up the truck.

We load up the truck, and this man is upset with us that we were using the elevator, because they have to move out too. That frustrated me a little, because we went through the trouble of following the procedures of booking an elevator time for 2 hours and we didn't go overboard. He kept pushing our stuff out of the way, so he could get through with his Home Depot shopping cart with just his suitcase in it.

So, we finished, realizing we had a lot more stuff than anticipated. We dropped off the keys in the office and headed for my mom's for the night. We got home to see our cats in disarray, not knowing what was going on and as frightened as could be. They wouldn't stop moving, hissing, meowing, and growling.

Will & I head to bed after watching our taped episode of Big Brother, to find out our Chicken George got evicted. :(

It wasn't the best sleep I've had, 1) it wasn't my bed/pillow/blanket, 2) cats kept coming in and out my room meowing and jumping on the bed.

Part III to follow with the actual moving IN day...

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